Have your call center’s connection rates been lagging? Have your attempts to improve them failed?

The most critical piece to running a successful call center is connecting with the customers. But new technology coupled with strict rules and regulations has made that increasingly difficult.

Enter Caller ID AutoPilot. Designed to improve your reputation, protect your brand and increase connection rates on outbound campaigns, Caller ID AutoPilot limits the chances that your calls are flagged or labeled as spam—all while giving you total visibility into the health and viability of your phone numbers.

Here’s how it works:

Before the campaign, CallShaper purchases phone numbers local to your campaign and registers them with carriers, cleaning any existing reputation the numbers may have and updating any settings that could trigger a flag.

During the campaign, CallShaper caps the number of calls made be each number each day to prevent any from being flagged. If they are, those numbers are immediately pulled from rotation, replaced with others and the reasons for the flag are investigated.

In the background, CallShaper is collecting data on how many times, when and by whom phone numbers are flagged so the numbers used can be adjusted accordingly—and all of this data is made visible and easy to understand.

Why invest in Caller ID AutoPilot? In a five-client pilot program, with campaigns ranging from 5 agents making 786 dials per day to 75 agents making nearly 2 million dials, clients saw an average increase in connection rate of 43% after using Caller ID AutoPilot for just one quarter. It didn’t matter the size of the campaign, the number of agents of the reasons for calls—everyone saw a drastic improvement.

TK specific information on what customers should do or where they should go to learn more or to sign up for Caller ID AutoPilot.