When choosing a call center software for your business, you have two options: A cloud-based dialer, in which your system is hosted in the cloud by a dialer service provider, and a premise-based dialer, in which the system is housed on servers in a single location. There are pros and cons to each depending on the nature of your business, but there are many benefits to choosing a cloud-based dialer that can help take your business to the next level.

Where the dialing software lives is the biggest difference between a cloud-based and a premise-based system. Everyone on your team must be in one place, the building where the servers are located, to access a premise-based dialer. All of the hardware that agents use, such as headsets, phones and computers, are housed in this location as well. But with a cloud-based system, your team can operate from anywhere—the only requirement is strong internet access. Your team can work from a single office if you wish, but they can also work from home or multiple offices without losing access to the dialer.

Another key difference comes in IT and security. With a premise-based system, your company’s IT department is responsible for performing upkeep and updates on all the software and equipment related to your call center, as well as putting in place the proper security measures to protect the company’s, agents’ and customers’ data from hackers. Meanwhile, with a cloud-based system, the service provider is responsible for keeping data secure and your company does not need any IT professionals to maintain the software.

The final distinction is in costs. If you use a premised-based dialer, your company will be responsible for updating and replacing the hardware and software every five years or so as needed. Between these updates there will be no costs for your company, but the system-wide expenses can be significant. Cloud-based systems are subscription-based, so while they represent a more frequent upfront expense, they are often less expensive in the long run.

The coronavirus pandemic has revealed the need for flexibility in all industries. A cloud-based dialer can provide this flexibility, in addition to benefits when it comes to IT, security and costs. To learn more about what cloud-based dialers can offer, contact CallShaper today.