A successful call center business must be able to ensure efficient, quality calls every single time a customer is on the phone. But this can be difficult to measure and maintain for large campaigns, especially when agents may not all be in one place. The solution: Features that allow managers and supervisors to immediately evaluate calls in both a qualitative and quantitative manner, such as the scorecards available with CallShaper. Scorecards give managers the opportunity to recognize errors being made by individual agents or patterns of mistakes occurring across an entire team. They provide managers a grounded basis for specific constructive feedback that will strengthen their team as a whole. And they make the evaluation process smooth and fast, so managers have time to work assessments into their busy schedules. Here are some of the features of CallShaper scorecards:

  • Customizable Templates: Everything about a scorecard is fully customizable. There is no limit to the number of unique scorecards you can create and save within the dialing system. Once created, you can organize the questions by section, and the order of the sections and questions can be easily adjusted if needed. You don’t need to choose from a limited list of questions, as they are also completely customizable and easy to edit. When creating the scorecard, you can also designate whether a question is required or not.
  • Multiple Grading Options: As questions are created and added to the scorecard, they each have seven different grading options. A simple question, such as whether or not the agent states his or her name at the beginning of the call, can be graded Pass or Fail. A more subjective question, such as whether or not the agent addressed the customer properly during the call, can be graded on a scale of 0-3, 1-3, 0-5, 1-5, 0-10, or 1-10. Then depending on the scale utilized and the number of questions, you can set a passing score for the call being examined.
  • Integration of Scorecards and Call Recordings: As a cloud-based dialer, everything you need to utilize the features available from CallShaper is in one place. So if you want to listen to the recording of a call and grade it using a scorecard, you can do so without toggling between windows or pausing frequently to input answers. To do so, you simply open the recording, click Grade Call, select a scorecard, and then play the recording from within the scorecard, making the grading process incredibly efficient. The scorecard will even tally the call’s scores as you select them and give the option to make notes on individual questions or on the call as a whole.
  • Individually Organized Reports: Once a scorecard is completed and submitted, it is filed under the individual agent along with any other scorecards that agent has collected for fast and easy review.

As the leading cloud-based dialing software, CallShaper strives to provide all the tools needed for clients to run an efficient and successful call center, and customizable scorecards are just one of those features. To learn more about the other tools CallShaper offers, schedule a demo today.