There are many factors that go into finding and signing on new clients. Using the correct marketing and advertising methods that your ideal client will respond to. Putting those advertisements in places where your ideal clients will find them. Selling products and services that stand out from the pack and offer something that your clients won’t be able to find anywhere else. Offering those products and services at a competitive and justifiable price. The list goes on. But there are also behind the scenes factors that play a big role. How easy and intuitive your processes are, for both customers and employees. How easy it is for customers to get answers to their questions about your business. And finally, whether or not you are using the right technology.

These days, almost every company—regardless of what they do or sell—uses multiple pieces of technology or different apps or systems to run their business. If you sell something, you need a system for processing sales. If you maintain customer profiles, you need a system for organizing customer information. And if you communicate with customers over the phone, you need technology that streamlines customer calls as well as makes it easy for customers to reach you and vice versa. This technology can be extra crucial for small businesses who may not have enough employees to dedicate someone full time to the phones.

The reason: Say your primary method of connecting with new clients is over the phone, and most of the time they are calling you to ask a question or book an appointment or a consultation. If you don’t have someone dedicated to answering these phone calls, you can merely have people leave you voicemails and then call them back when you have time. However, this is problematic for a number of reasons. Voicemails may be organized by the day and time they were received, but you have no other way of categorizing them or marking them as dealt with or responded to. What happens if you need to follow up with a customer more than once, or they leave more than one voicemail? Having the right technology—in this case, a trustworthy telephone answering service platform—can make all the difference.

A telephone answering service platform will allow you to provide prospective customers with instructions on the most efficient and effective way to get in touch with you, plus make it easy to catalog voicemails and requests and record additional steps taken in response to those requests. Especially when the phone is your primary mode of communication, it can be easy to get buried—and taking four or five days to return a customer’s call or returning a call with little to no knowledge on the nature of their inquiry can be the difference between winning their business and losing it to one of your competitors.

Helping businesses bring in new clients is just one of the reasons that CallShaper is launching a new cutting-edge telephone answering service platform in the coming months. To receive more information when it becomes available, contact us today.